Oktoberfest Festival In Munich Challenge

Play your part in being one of 6 MILLION visitors and contribute to the 6.5 MILLION litres of beer drank at OKTOBERFEST – The World Famous Munich Beerfest!

Every year a huge park in the centre of Munich called the Theresenwiese is transformed into what appears to be the world’s party central. Half of the park is filled with amazing rides, side shows, food stalls and Schnapps tents. The other half boasts 14 beerhalls. Like everything about the Oktoberfest the beerhalls or beer tents are huge. They sit over 4000 people inside and more in the beer gardens. In fact around 100,000 people can be seated at Munich Beer Festival tables!
You are served steins (1 litre jugs) of the local brew by the frauliens, entertained by Oompah bands – the atmosphere is fantastic. The Oktoberfest always finishes on the first Sunday in October. In 2019 this great Bavarian Beer Festival runs from noon on Saturday, 21st of September to Sunday, 6th of October. It is free to enter the fest grounds and beerhalls – unfortunately you have to pay for your beer!

The Challenge
To complete the challenge and fully immerse yourself in this amazing festival, you need to complete the following tasks:
- Be in Munich over Oktoberfest.
- Walk through the festival grounds and explore.
- Drink a stein of Bavarian Beer.
- Try some traditional Bavarian Foods
- Watch traditional Dancing and Music.
- Get a photo with someone in Lederhosen or wear it yourself!
While completing the challenge tag @travelmedals on Instagram and Facebook on each picture. Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany is a spectacular atmosphere therefore it’s a great opportunity to share photos of your trip, the experience you have, the people you meet and all the beers drank!
After you complete the challenge you can purchase the Oktoberfest Festival themed travel medal!

This is the initial design for the medal and it is available on request. If you are planning a trip to Oktoberfest and would like this medal, please get in touch through our Facebook or Instagram pages!
Additional Information
The first place for information on this festival is the official Oktoberfest site. For an organised tour why not check out the “Party Professionals” at PP Travel. They have been running tours to the Beerfest since 1991. All kind of packages are available with central hotels and Munich’s famous centrally located Thalkirchen campsite accomodation. Coach tours are also an option to make your trip into Munich easier and let you focus on enjoying Europe’s Premier Beer Festival.
While it is free to enter the Oktoberfest grounds and there is also no entry fees into any of the 14 beer tents, with over 6 million visitors, it is extremely busy. Often on weekends the beer tents close their doors when full, meaning looking for seats in their outside beer gardens or lining up. PP Travel operate shuttles to the fest from first thing in the morning for those who want to get in early or you may consider booking a table. It is not imperative that you pre-book a table, but it can make life much easier at the fest. Booking a table is not all that easy and you must individually book with the the specific beer tents directly and this should be done months in advance.
What Happens At OKTOBERFEST!?
To see what goes on at this festival check out this video by High On Life, who post videos to inspire their viewers to get out and explore the world. What they say: “Who goes to Germany and doesn’t experience OKTOBERFEST?! It’s one of the worlds biggest beer fests rooted in Bavarian tradition. Our host cooked us up a feast, and then we set off to drink the 12 Euro beers and party how the locals do. We highly recommend this insane beer drinking and culture festival!!“.